Monday, September 27, 2004

Familiarity Breeds Contempt - Fashion

In America, I hear a lot of complaints about the same old uniforms available in the same old malls (familiarity breeds contempt), but it's nothing except getting tired of the same thing -- not that the quality of fashion has gone down hill. It's a regional thing. Novelty really pries open your sleepy eyes. Travelling fills your belly with great new style ideas from other parts of the world.

But, after you get full, you start noticing the details ... and when it comes down to it, if you're far away, you start longing for home. (But really, I wouldn't buy half the stuff out here in the market for lack of quality and value. Maybe something cool like a bright counterfeit bag or these little silver shoes I saw in a tiny shop would be worth it -- something I couldn't get somewhere else). I have the fewest pieces of clothing in rotation right now that I've had in maybe a decade. All of my pieces are compatible with every other one, and it's tolerable because I have a full time job that doesn't require me to dress creatively everyday (although that would be a fabulous job). Thinking about the clothing I wear everyday here, I only will say this: right now, I am dying to be back in a nice James Perse tee, a green Juicy velour, a fitted pair of Earls ... with my hair in a ponytail, a string of white pearls, and loafers.


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